====== webdav by curl ====== ===== to upload a file ===== curl --digest --user 'user:pass' -T SomeFile.html 'http://uwiki.net/uwiki/SomeFile.html' ===== create a dir ===== curl --digest --user 'user:pass' -X MKCOL http://uwiki.net/uwiki/ ===== move/rename a file ===== curl --digest --user 'user:pass' -X MOVE --header 'Destination: http://uwiki.net/uwiki/curl_dav.html' http://quad/svn/SomeFile.html ===== list of files in a dir ===== curl -i -X PROPFIND http://uwiki.org/uwiki/ --upload-file - -H "Depth: 1" < end some info gleaned from [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange/aa142926(v=exchg.65).aspx|msdn webDAV reference]] meanwhile, don't make me read the [[http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc2518.html|webDAV specs]] oh wow, in a very depressing way - [[http://tech.kateva.org/2008/10/webdav-microsoft-dreamhost-and-insane.html|microsoft make webdav hard]] 另一個: http://italiangrid.github.io/storm/documentation/webdav-guide/3.0.0/